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Mike Hacks

These are my hacks

for living a better life.
They aren't necessarily
scientifically proven,
but I think they help.



Don't give infants or even toddlers food or drinks with added sugar, and try to only feed them real food and liquids, not processed stuff like junk food. They don't know what they're missing until you prematurely expose them to those unhealthy things (or they learn about them via their interactions with other family, friends or commercial media).


Don't expose infants or even toddlers to mass and commercial media, especially the advertising and commercials. 

This means that you can't watch mass and commercial media while your infants or toddlers are with you.


While your kids are doing homework in your house, parents should not be watching TV or other things that might entice your kids to not do their school work. 

You are a role model for your kids. 

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