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Mike Hacks
These are my hacks for
living a better life.
They aren't necessarily
scientifically proven,
but I think they help.
respiratory illness
like the
common cold, flu, etc
I follow practically all of these routines
Drink lots of liquids. Don't be lazy or forgetful about this. Never get dehydrated even while sleeping at night. Have liquid by your bed and periodically drink it throughout the night. Also, hot liquid is better than cold liquid because the fumes hydrate your nasal system.
Don't sleep with your body flat. Have your head and even your torso at least slightly elevated. I used 2-3 pillows to do this. This elevation will let gravity prevent nasal stuff from pooling and caking your throat and head while you're asleep. If you have congestion, then NyQuil can help clear your nasal passages while sleeping. You'll wake up feeling better in the morning.
Healing and recovery can be maximized during sleep. So sleep is good. The key is let sleep help your healing, but heed the advice above to not let sleep worsen your symptoms
Take at least one hot shower each day. After the steam permeates your nasal system and helps breakup congestion. Also, I like to insert into the middle of my shower a 15-30 second cold water full body rinse. It can stimulate your vagus nerve and help breakup congestion. health.clevelandclinic.org/are-cold-showers-good-for-you/
Try to exercise each day. Even mild exercise like a walk in the neighborhood is good. It can breakup your congestion and help your body fight the illness.
A persistent cough can strain your throat and cause a type of sore throat. So moderate coughing with lozenges, and honey works as good as cough medicine.